Sunday, October 2, 2011

LDS General Conference (April 3, 2004)

I think the best place to begin with this post is with some few points.
  • I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  • Every six months, members of this church have the opportunity to participate in what is called "General Conference." Latter-Day Saints travel from all over the world to attend this conference which originates in the 21,000-seat Conference Center in Salt Lake City, Utah. The church membership is currently at 14 million and as such, conference is broadcasted to thousands of meetinghouses all over the world as well as online so that all may watch and listen.
  • General Conference is intended to be a revelatory experience as participants learn from living prophets, apostles, and other church leaders through the power and influence of the Holy Ghost. Receiving inspiration and instruction from Church leaders will serve as a guide for members' present day lives.
  • I have a unique phobia of heights, big buildings, wide open spaces, and probably other things I'm currently unaware of.
  • The Conference Center in Salt Lake City is a VERY big building.

With the above points in mind, I will proceed with my General Conference experience in the Spring of 2004. At that time I was living in Spanish Fork, UT with my aunt, uncle, cousins, and siblings. My parents remained in Laredo, TX, however that Spring my father had the opportunity of traveling to Utah with other Laredo Church members for General Conference. My dad had with him four tickets; two for the Saturday Morning Session, and another for Sunday Morning Session. It was his plan to attend both with one of his children. My older brother and I were the only ones old enough to attend so it was determined that I would attend one and my brother the other. From the time I knew of this I was not at ease. Much of what happened that day was a blur for me. I remember being very sleepy during our drive there since I could not sleep the night before due to the nerve-racking anticipation, but I could not sleep due to the anxiety.
Once there, I clung to my dad as we entered the building. Imagine my disbelief when I learned we were to go upstairs. I covered my eyes throughout this ordeal and remember nothing, only that we were then to go upstairs once again! There are no words to describe what I felt. If anything think about something that would cause you great anxiety, then think how that scenario would feel worse and then you might feel what I felt.

We proceeded to enter the actual conference area (I'm sure there's a particular name for it) and I realized we were on the highest level for seating. We proceeded to find our seats which happened to be close to the edge! We finally took our seats and I figured the worst was over. I let myself relax and try to take in the fact that I would be in the presence of a prophet of God. I remained anxious, but I felt enough peace to remain there for the full 2 hours. At one point I was thankful that I was strong enough to be there and have that experience with my dad. Once the session concluded, the anxiety increased as we began the descend. We left and all was good.

Seven years have passed since that day. I don't know if I will ever return to the Conference Center and face the possible anxiety and horror caused by my phobia, but I am glad to say that I've been there. I've experienced General Conference with thousands of other members that gather to hear important messages imparted by servants of God including his very own prophet. While there I received a witness of the peace the spirit can bring to our lives during troubled times. Even though I faced great difficulties I will forever remember that I overcame them and enjoyed this remarkable experience. I did it!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

For Olga

This is me updating my blog.... muah...ha...ha!

I'll do it properly later when I'm done with my paper. (eek!)

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What's this?... my life for the next four months?!

(Good words to live by these upcoming months.)

Schedule for 2011 Winter Semester is as Follows:

REL C 324 - The Doctrine and Covenants

CMLIT 202 - Civilization: Literature 2
Taking it to fulfill two GE requirements but I'm excited nonetheless. A bit scared about the readings (10 books required for the class) since it's difficult for me to concentrate when I read, but what else can I do but try my best right? Besides I'm taking it with Becca!!!

ITAL 201 - Intermediate Italian 1
I added this to get enough credits to be a full-time student, but now I'm simply excited for the class. It'd be a shame to waste the little I learned freshman year and now I get to refresh my poor Italian and make it better!

TMA 315R - Special Projects 2 (Digital Video Technologies)
I figured if I want to be a learned film student, I should learn more about the digital aspect of cinema.

TMA 441R - Screenwriting 3
I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS CLASS!!! I've taken both Screenwriting 1 and 2 and in them we learned about writing short scripts. This class is for feature-length screenwriting.

Sitting in:
TMA 492R - Media Arts Genres (Musicals)
I really wanted to take this class, but my desire is not so strong that I'd submit myself to a grueling 18-credit-semester. I already took this class last year with Dean Duncan and we looked at the horror genre. It was great. Now Sharon Swenson will focus on the musicals genre. What is there not to like about musicals right!? So I'll be sitting in class but not actually be registered for it. I'll go for the lectures, buy the book and do some reading, maybe stay to watch the films or rent them and watch them at home (I don't feel like sitting in class for five hours until 10pm every Wednesday again this semester).

That's how my semester looks for now. Aside from school I'm hoping to practice playing the guitar and piano, maybe actually paint or draw something, and exercise (anyone want to join?) Last semester opened my eyes to certain difficulties, but now that I'm aware of them, I plan to kick butt this semester. If all goes well I'll graduate in April, so why not finish with a bang!

Employment... I should get on that ASAP. Any tips anyone?

Oh and one last thing: Dating. I wouldn't mind if it became existent this semester. As much as I like hanging out, it's not the same. If this continues, I'll resort to staring at my shirtless-Shah Rukh Khan poster every night, then getting a date from me without having rock hard abs will be impossible. (Kidding)

  1. Trafalga Fun Center - Have never been.
  2. Laser Tag - I ranked 5 out of 20 recently. So be scared, be very scared.
  3. Salsa Chocolate - Don't know how to salsa? Learn! (BYU Salsa Club meets every Tuesday at 8:30pm in the Garden Court and Salsa Chocolate provides an hour of lessons before the dance.)
  4. BYU's Peter Pan - Grandma (aka the amazing Shelby Luke) costume designed for this play so you bet I will be attending. Basically anyone want to tag along?
  5. Living Legends - I've gone to this show every year since freshman year. So again, tag along?
  6. BYU International Cinema - Free. If you don't like any international cinema get off my blog now. Kidding... but seriously, who are you?
  7. Dollar Theater - Inexpensive (1.25 with student ID to be exact). If there's something decent (quality wise) why not.
  8. DVD Rentals/Netflix - Normally I'd say, "You're pushing it" but I'd be happy staying out of the frigid cold. And don't insult me by thinking I limit myself to chick-flicks or family movies. The occasional Gladiator or The Hurt Locker is most welcome.
  9. Video Games - That's right. I'm a gamer. Recently played Batman: Arkham Assylum, some Red Dead Redemption, and got slaughtered in Black Ops (I need more game time). Other favorites include Mario Games, Guitar Hero/Rockband, etc.
  10. Eating - Everybody does it, so why not give in to peer pressure. Anything goes.
I've given 10 ideas so far, your turn. What you got?